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Friday, March 22, 2013

Eclectica 'Flaunt'

Just a quickie, as I'm more busy designing and learning than remembering to blog, which is naughty of me, but probably not a bad thing all considered. 'Flaunt' will be released at the Hollywood Event in about a weeks time. It's one of those ideas that grew, and will continue to do so. A simple burlesque fan became gloves and pretty feathery bits, and begemmed glove tops. And then short gloves as well as long. Then some more complex glove details added for the halibut. Then a full on headdress and extra fluffy thingos. See what happens to me? I really enjoy designing when ideas get to roam a bit, and this one's been a while in the making, so it roamed.

There are 9 colour variations and each has texturechange options to allow some contrast with all the gems/feathers/metalwork. As usual, all is copy/mod friendly, and Marketplace Giftgiving will be available soon.

I hope to see you soon at Hollywood :)

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