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Want to see more? Visit the Eclectica mainstore in Second Life to see my full range of Jewellery and Accoutrements. Here. Or, pop into the Eclectica shopfront on The Marketplace for a convenient hope-the-boss-doesn't-see browse or gift-sending. Here.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


In a very belated effort to learn something about blogging by doing (which is one of the best things I adore about Second Life- getting to try things out of my usual field), I'm finally jumping in the deep end here. I have no idea how these bloggy things work, but do know that I need a place to point people to when they want to know more about what I do. A place to keep a store of designs and explanations, perhaps.

I'm very much a prim mangler, and not much of a writer, and so really will have a bit of catching up to do. So starting close to the beginning, where it all began, is Jazz. I really have a thing for the 20's, and am finding SL to be a place to indulge this. It creeps into much of my jewellery, what I wear, and lately where I spend time when not creating. I have far too many bobs in my hairdo drawer, and love them all.




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