We have a Vintage Fair...the first ever, and I'm very happy to have the chance to participate. A squillion and a half (almost) creators over two sims have joined forces to give every vintage lover a taste of what they can do, as well as an exclusive view of their latest scrummy releases.
I have had fun making something for the event...the booths are small but we can squeeze in...just...
Here's the Eclectica presence at the Fair.
I've decided to make that eternal slacker and bubblehead Eccy earn her wages (finally) and help with PR. A big poke with a stick, and threat to rope in the shoe benefits and here she is...modelling some of the feathers we offer. She has to stand there until...well...when you throw her enough pennies.
We have some exclusive new releases for the Fair.
"Enchant" is a 1930's inspired jewellery set. It has pearls, nicely held with delicate metalwork, and gem details add interest in the right places. Triple strands of detailed pearls at the front are balanced by perfectly sculpted fine metal bands at the back. Each set includes two sets of earrings. One is gorgeously long and dangly. One is more sedate, still gorgeous but not quite as dangly.
Everything is moddable, and copiable, so you can adjust all colours to suit yourself. And the colours are very subtle, and very 1930's.
Plus...we have new hats, with gloves thrown in for fun. (It seemed wrong not to). Introducing The Little Black Pillbox Hat (and gloves) sets. These are tidy little pillboxes, with very well sculpted embroidered net veils. There are three, and all sit prettily about any shortish hairstyle (they are moddable so you can make final adjustments if you need to). Each hat and glove set is copy/mod, plus has a removable low-lag script which allows you to change the texture of the details, and toggle them on and off. (Oh, and resize if you really can't be fagged getting your head round the edit menu, smile) So you can have a plain look, or detailed look, and also many texture options, plus of course be able to modify them via the edit menu. You get to choose just how enticing you are...grin...
Roses. You can have big ones, little ones, or all, or none. And have them in lots of colours.
Pearls, stitched into the net. On or off, or in lots of colours. And there are matching colours for all Ecletica Pearl Mixables jewellery sets.
Feathers, on or off. Plus metalwork details. Match them to existing Eclectica feathers and gloves.
Come and visit anytime up until the 3rd of December. Lag has been awful at the start (I hate that sooo much as it wastes all of our time), but I have been turning up everyday to test it, and am happy to say that things are only getting better there. It's now completely do-able ...(big smiles, as I'm going shopping tomorrow)