Many wonderful things are happening, or so it feels to me. Mesh has been in closed beta, but now we can all be involved. I've been preparing, learning a bit, reading the blogs, aware of the criticisms. It's interesting how they always pop up, and I do always listen to them initially, give them a hearing, and then decide afterwards, alone in a calm room, or with one calm person. I do not agree that mesh is elitist as some claim--we can all learn it. Nobody needs to invest money--Blender is free if you choose, despite the fact that we'd all probably like Maya if we could justify it. Yes, it will require a time investment, just as it ought. Yes, this is a wonderful opportunity that we can all embrace.
This is a piccy of my first ever mesh prim, a blob, with a really impressive mesh prim in the background, a dragon, by Feivl Footman. His puts mine to shame. I will say no more :)
I really regret that I was deterred from learning Blender. A year ago, the first tutorial scared me silly, and every group chat that's popped up since has been full of how impossible Blender is. Popular wisdom may tell you this, and do not listen. Blender is actually easy, and surprisingly logical. I am no master, but found that after a few hours I could actually get it :) I have a long way to go, but feel really confident.
There are a zillion online tutes. I am still bewildered as to what to take on next. Anyone who reads this will hate me, but do the tute here Yes you will hate me, and you may hate this tute, but this guy, Karan Shah, is really
really good. You may fall asleep as his voice is very hypnotic, but I love the system he shows, and how logical the hotkeys are. If you get to the end, you are a champion, and your basic Blender skills will be complete. See why I never got a job in sales!